Recovery Coach

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You are capable of amazing things! 6 steps to an Intentional Life Recovery Journey

It is possible to live free from addictions, negative attachments, and the habits holding you hostage are filled with pressure to perform! It is possible to have control of your moments and experience living in a way that feels complete!

I know because if I can you can!

Let’s look at how to create systems and processes that will work well for you starting with what I created that has recreated my life and the lives of so many others that have brought their journeys to me.

First, you must get ok with the fact that it won’t all happen at once. There will certainly be periods when you feel something is amiss or not quite complete. Your mind may even spiral around those things you want to get done, experience, or transform. But if you are dedicated to yourself and remain diligent you will see your vision and be moved to create an appropriate place for all the opportunities to be integrated. You will stop facing things in a spur-of-the-moment impulsive fashion. You will be ready to create an effective action plan that contains your aspirations with all the objectives that will allow you to attain anything.

To make it easier to picture, here are the first three steps I used:

  • Set aside time to list your personal aspirations. (this helps to remove overthinking and anxiety)
  • Create a plan of action to include each objective. (Don’t forget keeping your priorities in order is critical so make sure to add desired completion dates)
  • Begin with a new and improved agenda, block time with yourself for yourself on the calendar. Create an appointment for every aspiration and objective – think of it as seeking focused inspiration.

I know, the thought of time is swirling in your mind right about now and your probably thinking “I just don’t have time to give my dreams and aspirations, there are too many other commitments with the kids, work, household responsibilities, not to mention all the other daily activities that fall onto my plate every day; they just don’t afford me any time at all to do anything other than operating on what seems to be auto-pilot.”

I get it!

We also have to look at the fact that times are different now and that is not going to change. What we used to call normal no longer exists. And time will not repeat itself.

Our only choice is to move forward, embrace our moments as the opportunity for something new to emerge they are. We get to choose! So let’s make the choice to fill our time, mind, and experiences the way we would prefer.

Now let’s move into the final three steps, and do so with a deep intention because they have everything to do with our mental processing:

  • Embrace the challenge of change. If you keep doing things the way you have always done, NOTHING will improve.
  • Stop the premonitions and rehearsals. Stop going over potential scenarios in your mind on a continuous mission of seeking one that feels comfortable before you allow yourself to move forward. This ONLY keeps you stuck in what may or may not happen land.
  • Take control of your outcomes. NO more relying on someone or something to create the experiences and outcomes you desire. You got it! It is time to let go of the “I don’t have time… I will when… If only they… That didn’t work… “etc. mentality. If you want something, it is your responsibility to make the space, create the plan, own the objectives, do the work.

It is a fact that everyone benefits from having a coach. As a professional coach, I too rely on coaching groups and activities with other professional coaches that have something I want! Think about it. Athletes, entrepreneurs, all the way through to people recovering from an injury, all have a coach on their team, and sometimes they have more than one!!

My mantra = This is my life too; it can look, feel, be however I want it to!

And it can become your reality too!

Addictions, Negative Attachments, and Habits that hold us hostage are all seated in a pressure to perform and a reliance on something outside of ourselves to provide peace, joy, comfort, relief, value, validity, and worthiness.

At TLR we equip people seeking life recovery with the right life skills and help them set the right aspirations, so they can live life and live it freely in one amazing personal journey!

I have combined my journey with addictions and negative attachments, that spanned over 30 years of my life with my 25+ year recovery journey and in-depth degree studies to create an intimate interactive experience focused on life going forward, without overwhelm.

People often believe online recovery programs are weighted primarily in the “lessons” and in a sense, they are because this is how we have a “touchpoint” every day – an intention to focus on – a tactic to engage. It is however the personal connection that I make with each client and the active role in direct communication that makes it so life-changing! ~ Tricia P

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