Recovery Coach

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Today’s New Normal

What are you waiting for? We must stop waiting for those on top to do something significant enough to create a social change that will positively affect everyone down the line. There is too much ego and ignorance running the positions of power in every area that moves our country. We have to do it ourselves, despite them. We must start within ourselves, our homes, our communities if we want to create the love, passion, and change we desire to see in humanity.

The real deal is that where we are today is the new normal, and it will be until we create something new. There is no going back to the way things were. Think about it… there are two days in which we can accomplish nothing… yesterday and tomorrow. We are here, today is what we have! And it’s high time we embrace this opportunity to create a normalcy that fits all of humanity.

So, let’s start within. Ask yourself these questions honestly:

What did your life look like and feel like before the current unrest, adversity, and uncertainty? Were your days fulfilling? Did you love your profession? Did you have a life balance? How would you rate your relationships? How did you view your community? Was judging other people’s actions part of your normal behavior? Did you get enough sleep and engage in a healthy diet? How did you view your environment, your community, and the functioning of our Nation?

What about now?

What does your life look like and feel like today? Be honest! List out all your complaints, personal, professional, and systemic (meaning how you feel now about your community and the way our Nation is functioning) but don’t forget what you love about today, it’s important too.

Personal Professional


I find that we as humans have been operating on a definition of normal that included greed, inequality, exclusion, disconnect, judgment, loneliness, competition, and limitedness.

Today I am not so sure there has been much change, just the addition of discontent, fear, hoarding, rage, hate, harm, self-sabotage, and pause.

I do not want to go back to that normal, nor do I want to take part in today’s normal!

So, what do I do? I work on strengthening my resilience every day! I stay focused on exuding as much as the person I want to see looking back at me in the mirror! I work tirelessly on living free from the negative (attachments or otherwise), depending on others to create happiness or content in my life, and impulsively reacting to that which I have no control over! Look, we don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges! This is your life too! It can look, feel, be, however you want it to!

Add, edit, delete!

Seek and flourish.

This is the perfect time to invest in you! I promise you will enjoy the space between where you are and where you are going!

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