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Finding Inner Peace!

Moving from External Locus of Control to Internal Locus of Control

Have you ever wondered why certain situations trigger unhealthy coping mechanisms? Why does grabbing a six-pack of beer or a pint of vodka become the first thought when you’re upset? Similarly, why does a gallon of ice cream seem like the only solace when sadness strikes? It’s time to explore the concept of locus of control and how it affects our choices and well-being.

Understanding the External Locus of Control:

Picture this: something unexpected happens, derailing your plans and leaving you feeling powerless. In these moments, you might find yourself relying on external sources like alcohol, food, shopping, or even other people to find comfort and relief.

This phenomenon is known as the external locus of control. It’s a state where we allow external factors to dictate our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, inadvertently giving away our power.

The Pitfalls of an External Locus of Control: While it may seem comforting in the short term, relying on external factors to bring us peace, joy, or relief isn’t a sustainable coping style. It keeps us trapped in a cycle of dependency, seeking temporary fixes instead of addressing the root causes of our distress.

Consequently, the desired outcome of finding lasting happiness and contentment remains elusive.

The Recovery Process and Mental Health Coaching:

Recognizing the need for change and breaking free from addictive patterns or destructive habits is a crucial step in the recovery process. Working with a life coach or mental health coach can provide invaluable support during this journey. These professionals specialize in helping individuals develop an internal locus of control, empowering them to take charge of their lives and make positive changes.

The Power of Acceptance: To break free from the clutches of an external locus of control, we need to embrace acceptance. Acceptance means acknowledging that we cannot control everything outside of ourselves. People, places, and things will always be unpredictable. True power lies in our ability to control our own thoughts, actions, and reactions.

Enter the Internal Locus of Control: The internal locus of control is the key to cultivating inner peace and resilience. It entails recognizing that we have the power to shape our own experiences and responses to external events. Instead of relying on outside influences, we focus on strengthening our internal resources, such as self-awareness, emotional regulation, and personal growth.

Harnessing the Internal Locus of Control: When we adopt an internal locus of control, we take charge of our lives in a more proactive and positive manner.

Here are a few strategies to help you shift towards an internal locus of control:Practice mindfulness: By staying present and observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment, we become more attuned to our internal world.

  1. Practice mindfulness: By staying present and observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment, we become more attuned to our internal world.
  2. Cultivate self-belief: Build confidence in your abilities and trust yourself to navigate through challenges. Recognize that you have the capacity to overcome obstacles.
  3. Take responsibility: Instead of blaming external factors for your circumstances, take ownership of your choices and actions. Focus on what you can do to improve your situation.
  4. Seek support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who encourage your personal growth and provide constructive feedback. Consider working with a life coach or mental health coach who can guide you through the recovery process and help you develop healthier habits.


It’s time to reclaim your power and find lasting peace and joy within yourself. By shifting from an external locus of control to an internal locus of control, you can break free from unhealthy coping mechanisms and cultivate resilience.

Acceptance is the first step towards this transformation, as it allows us to focus on what we can control and make conscious choices that align with our desires and values.

Ready to take control of your life and embrace an internal locus of control?

Start by practicing mindfulness and exploring self-development resources.

Seek guidance from professionals who specialize in personal growth, recovery, and mental health coaching. Remember, the journey toward an empowered and fulfilling life begins from within.

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