Recovery Coach

It's a completely safe and no-obligation call All about your journey!


Transform Your Life and Find Personal Peace of Mind

Are you feeling trapped in a cycle of stress, overwhelm, depressive states, and anxiety?
It's time to reclaim your life and discover the peace of mind you deserve.

For over a decade, our coaching programs have been changing lives. We offer more than just hope; we provide a proven path to unshakable emotional stability, self-acceptance, and a profound new perspective on the world around you.

If you're ready to turn a new leaf and unlock the life you desire, there's no better time than now.
Explore our tailored coaching packages and individual services designed specifically for you and your unique journey.

Are You Ready for a Change?

By joining our community through our courses and coaching,
you'll find the support and encouragement you need on your recovery journey.
We offer a diverse range of courses and coaching options to ensure you find the perfect fit for your transformation.

Ready to Take the First Step?

Schedule a meet and greet , consultation, or session, with one of our experienced Recovery Coaches.

We're here to guide you, whether you're anywhere in the United States or local to Arroyo Grande and the San Luis Obispo, CA area.

When you work with a Turning Leaves coach, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

We offer various paths, but it's often most effective to begin with a Discover My Right Fit Consultation.

If you prefer a broader exploration, our Life Intervention option helps uncover your unique needs and creates a practical roadmap for your journey.

Our Learn to Live Free and Evolve programs have a proven track record of complete life transformation.

But that's not all - to further enhance your Life Improvement Journey, we offer a range of additional coaching programs:

Don't let another day go by feeling trapped and overwhelmed. It's time to take control of your life and discover the peace and fulfillment you deserve. Join us on your path to transformation and Uncover the Secrets to Unshakable Emotional Stability.
To get started, claim your free E-book here.

Please take a moment to read some comments and testimonials from past clients about our services.

You are not alone. You don’t have to know where to start!
Contact Us! We love to answer questions, hear feedback, and give support.

"It has been such a gift to work with Trish over the past year. Her kind, friendly demeanor puts me at ease and her genuine concern and desire to help me achieve greater balance in my life is the support and accountability I need to make lasting positive changes. Trish’s curriculum provides tools and skills to navigate through any life challenge from relieving stress to forming better habits. I’m entering into this new decade with greater confidence and focus thanks to our work together."

~Stephanie Stackhouse

Stephanie Stackhouse Turningleavesrecovery

"Tricia has a firm understanding of the disease of addiction and serves as a priceless resource for patients and their families. Tricia is an excellent life coach, she has served as both a teacher and mentor for our recovery community. I highly recommend her services."

~Ken Starr

Ken Starr Turningleavesrecovery
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