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Remaining Sober Conscious at Festive Events!

Have a game plan

Find a supportive friend or family member

It can be helpful to have someone who understands what you’re going through and can offer support. Enlist the help of a friend or loved one who you can rely on to help you stay away from temptation. This person can be your sounding board when you start to feel triggered and can help talk you through any difficult situations.

Repeat After Me…

Come up with a short phrase or saying that you can repeat to yourself when you start to feel like giving in. This could be something as simple as “I am worth it” or “I can do this.”

Focus on your breathing! When you start to feel anxious or overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and focus on slowing down your breathing. This will help your body relax and allow you to think more clearly.

Take care of yourself

This is probably the most important tip on this list. During times of stress, it’s easy to let self-care fall by the wayside. But if you want to stay sober, you need to prioritize taking care of yourself. This means eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, meditating, etc. Taking care of yourself will help reduce your stress levels and make it easier to resist temptation when it arises.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

This time of year can be a challenging time for anyone in recovery due to the increased stress and anxiety that comes with festive events. If you find that you can’t get through the wedding and holiday season sober on your own, seek help from a professional, such as myself. I can help provide you with the tools and resources you need to make it through this difficult time of year without falling back into old habits.

Sign up for my FREE Virtual Event on December 13th



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